Package: retistruct 0.8.0

retistruct: Retinal Reconstruction Program

Reconstructs retinae by morphing a flat surface with cuts (a dissected flat-mount retina) onto a curvilinear surface (the standard retinal shape). It can estimate the position of a point on the intact adult retina to within 8 degrees of arc (3.6% of nasotemporal axis). The coordinates in reconstructed retinae can be transformed to visuotopic coordinates. For more details see Sterratt, D. C., Lyngholm, D., Willshaw, D. J. and Thompson, I. D. (2013) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002921>.

Authors:David C. Sterratt [aut, cre, cph], Daniel Lyngholm [aut, cph], Jan Okul [aut, cph]

retistruct.pdf |retistruct.html
retistruct/json (API)

# Install 'retistruct' in R:
install.packages('retistruct', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



4.60 score 8 stars 143 downloads 83 exports 72 dependencies

Last updated 6 days agofrom:d804800ef7. Checks:9 OK, 3 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64ERRORMar 11 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64ERRORMar 11 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64ERRORMar 11 2025


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Class containing functions and data relating to annotating outlinesAnnotatedOutline
Convert azimuth-elevation coordinates to spherical
Azimuthal conformal or stereographic or Wulff projectionazimuthal.conformal
Lambert azimuthal equal area projectionazimuthal.equalarea
Azimuthal equidistant projectionazimuthal.equidistant
Convert barycentric coordinates of points in mesh on sphere to cartesian
Central angle between two points on a spherecentral.angle
Check the whether directory contains valid datacheckDatadir
Return points on the unit circlecircle
Find the intersection of a plane with edges of triangles on a spherecompute.intersections.sphere
Kernel estimate over gridcompute.kernel.estimate
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent counts centred on pointsCountSet
Create grid on projection of hemisphere onto planecreate.polar.cart.grid
Read a retinal dataset in CSV
The deformation energy gradient functiondE
Draw the "flat" outline in 3D with depth informationdepthplot3D
File system directories used by shinyFilesdirectories
The deformation energy functionE
The deformation energy functionEcart
Piecewise smooth function used in area penaltyf
The deformation energy gradient functionFcart
Superclass containing functions and data relating to sets of features in flat 'Outline'sFeatureSet
Class containing functionality common to 'FeatureSet's and 'ReconstructedFeatureSet'sFeatureSetCommon
The FIRE algorithmfire
Plot "flat" (unreconstructed) representation of outlineflatplot
Flat plot of AnnotatedOutlineflatplot.AnnotatedOutline
Flat plot of outlineflatplot.Outline
Flat plot of reconstructed outlineflatplot.ReconstructedOutline
Flat plot of AnnotatedOutlineflatplot.StitchedOutline
Plot flat 'TriangulatedOutline'.flatplot.TriangulatedOutline
Determine indices of triangles that are flippedflipped.triangles
Determine indices of triangles that are flippedflipped.triangles.cart
Piecewise smooth function used in area penaltyfp
Construct an outline object. This sanitises the input points 'P', as described below.Fragment
The identity transformationidentity.transform
Read one of the Thompson lab's retinal
Read a retinal dataset in IJROI
Read a retinal dataset in IJROI
Interpolate values in imageinterpolate.image
Invert sphere about its centreinvert.sphere
Invert sphere to
Karcher mean on the spherekarcher.mean.sphere
Find the optimal concentration for a set of datakde.compute.concentration
Kernel density estimate on sphere using Fisherian density with polar coordinateskde.fhat
Kernel density estimate on sphere using Fisherian density with Cartesian coordinateskde.fhat.cart
Estimate of the log likelihood of the points mu given a particular value of the concentration kappakde.L
Find the optimal concentration for a set of datakr.compute.concentration
Cross validation estimate of the least squares error of the points mu given a particular value of the concentration kappakr.sscv
Kernel regression on sphere using Fisherian density with polar coordinateskr.yhat
Kernel regression on sphere using Fisherian density with Cartesian coordinateskr.yhat.cart
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent pointsLandmarkSet
Determine intersection between two linesline.line.intersection
Convert an list created by R6_to_list() into an R6 object.list_to_R6
List datasets underneath a directorylist.datasets
Plot the fractional change in length of mesh edgeslvsLplot
Morph a flat dataset to a parabola for testing
Return a new version of the list in which any unnamed elements have been given standardised namesname.list
Bring angle into rangenormalise.angle
Orthographic projectionorthographic
Class containing basic information about flat outlinesOutline
Class containing functionality common to flat and reconstructed outlinesOutlineCommon
Ancillary function to place labelspanlabel
Arc length of a parabola y=x^2/4fparabola.arclength
Inverse arc length of a parabola y=x^2/4fparabola.invarclength
Parse dependenciesparse.dependencies
Add point fullcuts to the outlinePathOutline
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent pointsPointSet
Convert polar projection in Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates on
Put text on the polar plotpolartext
Plot projection of a reconstructed outlineprojection
Projection of a reconstructed outlineprojection.ReconstructedOutline
Plot projection of reconstructed datasetprojection.RetinalReconstructedOutline
Convert an R6 object into a list, ignoring functions and environmentsR6_to_list
Restore points to spherical manifoldRcart
Read data counts in CSV formatread.datacounts
Read data points in CSV formatread.datapoints
Class containing functions and data to map CountSets to ReconstructedOutlinesReconstructedCountSet
Class containing functions and data to map FeatureSets to ReconstructedOutlinesReconstructedFeatureSet
Class containing functions and data to map LandmarkSets to ReconstructedOutlinesReconstructedLandmarkSet
Class containing functions to reconstruct StitchedOutlines and store the associated dataReconstructedOutline
Class containing functions and data to map PointSets to ReconstructedOutlinesReconstructedPointSet
Remove identical consecutive rows from a matrixremove.identical.consecutive.rows
Remove intersections between adjacent segments in a closed pathremove.intersections
Reporting utility functionreport
Class containing functions and data relating to retinal outlinesRetinalOutline
A version of ReconstructedOutline that is specific to retinal datasetsRetinalReconstructedOutline
Start the Retistruct GUIretistruct
Batch operation using the parallel packageretistruct.batch
Export data from reconstruction data files to MATLABretistruct.batch.export.matlab
Plot figures for a batch of reconstructionsretistruct.batch.figures
Get titrations from a directory of reconstructionsretistruct.batch.get.titrations
Plot titrationsretistruct.batch.plot.titrations
Extract summary data for a batch of reconstructionsretistruct.batch.summary
Retistruct check markupretistruct.check.markup
Process a dataset with a time limitretistruct.cli
Print a figure to fileretistruct.cli.figure
Process a dataset, saving results to diskretistruct.cli.process
Save reconstruction data in MATLAB formatretistruct.export.matlab
Read a retinal
Read the markup
Read the reconstruction data from
Reconstruct a retinaretistruct.reconstruct
Save reconstruction
Rotate axis of sphererotate.axis
Retistruct Shiny Serverserver
Simplify an outline object by removing short edgessimplifyFragment
Simplify an outline object by removing short edgessimplifyOutline
Sinusoidal projectionsinusoidal
Convert from Cartesian to 'dual-wedge'
Convert from Cartesian to spherical
Convert from Cartesian to 'wedge'
Convert spherical coordinates on sphere to polar projection in Cartesian
Convert from spherical to Cartesian
Area of triangles on a spheresphere.tri.area
Convert from 'wedge' to Cartesian
Convert latitude on sphere to radial variable in area-preserving
Spherical plot of reconstructed outlinesphericalplot
Spherical plot of reconstructed outlinesphericalplot.ReconstructedOutline
Class containing functions and data relating to Stitching outlinesStitchedOutline
Generate colours for strain plotsstrain.colours
Stretch meshstretchMesh
Area of triangles on a planetri.area
"Signed area" of triangles on a planetri.area.signed
Class to triangulate FragmentsTriangulatedFragment
Class containing functions and data relating to TriangulationTriangulatedOutline
Retistruct UIui
Vector normvecnorm