Class containing functions and data relating to annotating outlines | AnnotatedOutline |
Convert azimuth-elevation coordinates to spherical coordinates | |
Azimuthal conformal or stereographic or Wulff projection | azimuthal.conformal |
Lambert azimuthal equal area projection | azimuthal.equalarea |
Azimuthal equidistant projection | azimuthal.equidistant |
Convert barycentric coordinates of points in mesh on sphere to cartesian coordinates | |
Central angle between two points on a sphere | central.angle |
Check the whether directory contains valid data | checkDatadir |
Return points on the unit circle | circle |
Find the intersection of a plane with edges of triangles on a sphere | compute.intersections.sphere |
Kernel estimate over grid | compute.kernel.estimate |
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent counts centred on points | CountSet |
Create grid on projection of hemisphere onto plane | create.polar.cart.grid |
Read a retinal dataset in CSV format | |
The deformation energy gradient function | dE |
Draw the "flat" outline in 3D with depth information | depthplot3D |
File system directories used by shinyFiles | directories |
The deformation energy function | E |
The deformation energy function | Ecart |
Piecewise smooth function used in area penalty | f |
The deformation energy gradient function | Fcart |
Superclass containing functions and data relating to sets of features in flat 'Outline's | FeatureSet |
Class containing functionality common to 'FeatureSet's and 'ReconstructedFeatureSet's | FeatureSetCommon |
The FIRE algorithm | fire |
Plot "flat" (unreconstructed) representation of outline | flatplot |
Flat plot of AnnotatedOutline | flatplot.AnnotatedOutline |
Flat plot of outline | flatplot.Outline |
Flat plot of reconstructed outline | flatplot.ReconstructedOutline |
Flat plot of AnnotatedOutline | flatplot.StitchedOutline |
Plot flat 'TriangulatedOutline'. | flatplot.TriangulatedOutline |
Determine indices of triangles that are flipped | flipped.triangles |
Determine indices of triangles that are flipped | flipped.triangles.cart |
Piecewise smooth function used in area penalty | fp |
Construct an outline object. This sanitises the input points 'P', as described below. | Fragment |
The identity transformation | identity.transform |
Read one of the Thompson lab's retinal datasets | |
Read a retinal dataset in IJROI format | |
Read a retinal dataset in IJROI format | |
Interpolate values in image | interpolate.image |
Invert sphere about its centre | invert.sphere |
Invert sphere to hemisphere | |
Karcher mean on the sphere | karcher.mean.sphere |
Find the optimal concentration for a set of data | kde.compute.concentration |
Kernel density estimate on sphere using Fisherian density with polar coordinates | kde.fhat |
Kernel density estimate on sphere using Fisherian density with Cartesian coordinates | kde.fhat.cart |
Estimate of the log likelihood of the points mu given a particular value of the concentration kappa | kde.L |
Find the optimal concentration for a set of data | kr.compute.concentration |
Cross validation estimate of the least squares error of the points mu given a particular value of the concentration kappa | kr.sscv |
Kernel regression on sphere using Fisherian density with polar coordinates | kr.yhat |
Kernel regression on sphere using Fisherian density with Cartesian coordinates | kr.yhat.cart |
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent points | LandmarkSet |
Determine intersection between two lines | line.line.intersection |
Convert an list created by R6_to_list() into an R6 object. | list_to_R6 |
List datasets underneath a directory | list.datasets |
Plot the fractional change in length of mesh edges | lvsLplot |
Morph a flat dataset to a parabola for testing purposes | |
Return a new version of the list in which any unnamed elements have been given standardised names | name.list |
Bring angle into range | normalise.angle |
Orthographic projection | orthographic |
Class containing basic information about flat outlines | Outline |
Class containing functionality common to flat and reconstructed outlines | OutlineCommon |
Ancillary function to place labels | panlabel |
Arc length of a parabola y=x^2/4f | parabola.arclength |
Inverse arc length of a parabola y=x^2/4f | parabola.invarclength |
Parse dependencies | parse.dependencies |
Add point fullcuts to the outline | PathOutline |
Subclass of 'FeatureSet' to represent points | PointSet |
Convert polar projection in Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates on sphere | |
Put text on the polar plot | polartext |
Plot projection of a reconstructed outline | projection |
Projection of a reconstructed outline | projection.ReconstructedOutline |
Plot projection of reconstructed dataset | projection.RetinalReconstructedOutline |
Convert an R6 object into a list, ignoring functions and environments | R6_to_list |
Restore points to spherical manifold | Rcart |
Read data counts in CSV format | read.datacounts |
Read data points in CSV format | read.datapoints |
Class containing functions and data to map CountSets to ReconstructedOutlines | ReconstructedCountSet |
Class containing functions and data to map FeatureSets to ReconstructedOutlines | ReconstructedFeatureSet |
Class containing functions and data to map LandmarkSets to ReconstructedOutlines | ReconstructedLandmarkSet |
Class containing functions to reconstruct StitchedOutlines and store the associated data | ReconstructedOutline |
Class containing functions and data to map PointSets to ReconstructedOutlines | ReconstructedPointSet |
Remove identical consecutive rows from a matrix | remove.identical.consecutive.rows |
Remove intersections between adjacent segments in a closed path | remove.intersections |
Reporting utility function | report |
Class containing functions and data relating to retinal outlines | RetinalOutline |
A version of ReconstructedOutline that is specific to retinal datasets | RetinalReconstructedOutline |
Start the Retistruct GUI | retistruct |
Batch operation using the parallel package | retistruct.batch |
Export data from reconstruction data files to MATLAB | retistruct.batch.export.matlab |
Plot figures for a batch of reconstructions | retistruct.batch.figures |
Get titrations from a directory of reconstructions | retistruct.batch.get.titrations |
Plot titrations | retistruct.batch.plot.titrations |
Extract summary data for a batch of reconstructions | retistruct.batch.summary |
Retistruct check markup | retistruct.check.markup |
Process a dataset with a time limit | retistruct.cli |
Print a figure to file | retistruct.cli.figure |
Process a dataset, saving results to disk | retistruct.cli.process |
Save reconstruction data in MATLAB format | retistruct.export.matlab |
Read a retinal dataset | |
Read the markup data | |
Read the reconstruction data from file | |
Reconstruct a retina | retistruct.reconstruct |
Save markup | |
Save reconstruction data | |
Rotate axis of sphere | rotate.axis |
Retistruct Shiny Server | server |
Simplify an outline object by removing short edges | simplifyFragment |
Simplify an outline object by removing short edges | simplifyOutline |
Sinusoidal projection | sinusoidal |
Convert from Cartesian to 'dual-wedge' coordinates | |
Convert from Cartesian to spherical coordinates | |
Convert from Cartesian to 'wedge' coordinates | |
Convert spherical coordinates on sphere to polar projection in Cartesian coordinates | |
Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates | |
Area of triangles on a sphere | sphere.tri.area |
Convert from 'wedge' to Cartesian coordinates | |
Convert latitude on sphere to radial variable in area-preserving projection | |
Spherical plot of reconstructed outline | sphericalplot |
Spherical plot of reconstructed outline | sphericalplot.ReconstructedOutline |
Class containing functions and data relating to Stitching outlines | StitchedOutline |
Generate colours for strain plots | strain.colours |
Stretch mesh | stretchMesh |
Area of triangles on a plane | tri.area |
"Signed area" of triangles on a plane | tri.area.signed |
Class to triangulate Fragments | TriangulatedFragment |
Class containing functions and data relating to Triangulation | TriangulatedOutline |
Retistruct UI | ui |
Vector norm | vecnorm |